Rugby club Dronten
Rugbymagazijn is a proud supplier of all rugby clothing and accessories for all members of Rugby Club Dronten. Wide choice of many items with the logo of your favorite rugby club. A number of items are in stock in the Rugbymagazijn store, so you do not have to order in advance. Moreover, you can try on the clothes if you are unsure about the size.
Rugby club Dronten is a new club, so here are some tips for novice rugby players (or the parents of novice rugby players):
Rugby club Dronten is a new club, so here are some tips for novice rugby players (or the parents of novice rugby players):
- A mouthguard is always mandatory.
- Up to and including the minis, playing on blades (shoes with plastic studs) is mandatory. Iron studs may not be used up to and including the minis. To make the choice a little easier, there are a number of examples of suitable shoes for youth on this club page for RC Dronten.
- There is no mandatory clothing for training, but for matches white shorts, white socks and an RC Dronten rugby shirt are mandatory.
- Any questions? We'd love to hear it!